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There have been a lot of changes in my life in the past year, which is making it difficult to manager my 2 blogs, Diva Eats Italia & Diva Eats World.

To make it easier on myself, I’ve decided to merge the 2 under the name Diva Eats World. All the recipes here on these pages will remain live, but all new Italian recipes will be posted on Diva Eats World If you haven’t been over to Diva Eats World, give it a go.

There are some great recipes from my travels, friends and family that cover the globe! Thanks, D I V A (RECIPE) Pollo al mattone, is Italian for chicken under the brick.

It refers to a method of grilling, where a brick is placed on top of a whole chicken while cooking.

The weight of the brick makes the bird have complete contact with the heat.

This allows it to cook evenly and get nice and golden brown.

It’s said that this method originated in a little town outside Florence, where they’re known for terra cotta tiles. D I V A Pin It (RECIPE) For Italians, Easter is a huge baking holiday.

Barbuto, my favorite restaurant in Manhattan, is known for their brick oven chicken that they serve with salsa verde. My salsa verde is simply a sauce made from, extra virgin olive oil, capers, lemon zest and some chopped herbs, such as tarragon, basil and parsley. Now that grilling season is upon us, go get yourself some clean bricks and grill away. Pies, cakes, breads and cookies, both savory and sweet, grace the Easter tables of all Italian families.

I think Easter may have surpassed Christmas in terms of baking.

Because of Lenten sacrifices and fasting, the baked goods became a little more involved than at Christmas.

On Easter day when Lent is over, the flood gates of sweets and meats burst open.

Every Italian Nonna across the globe, is making sweet braided breads studded with colored eggs, cookies with pastel sprinkles and pies and cakes that are a mile high. The most important thing about making this cake, is the quality of ricotta cheese. The better cheeses don’t have as much liquid, making the cake a little more dense and rich.